Galleri Maria Lancing
Ristade ägg av Maria Lancing, Skillinge

Ristade ägg – Engraved eggs

The art of scrimshaw and enamel has its origins in many different cultures around the world; in central European countries for example, it took the form of etching images on the surfaces of eggs.

Maria’s fascination for this ancient carving technique stems from her love of boats and the sailor’s life which she experienced first hand working on a large tanker in her youth.

In breathing new life into this art form, Maria Lancing utilizes a technique for etching images on to the surface of goose eggs based on traditional Polish methods.

Maria Lancing, Seymours väg 7, 276 60 Skillinge, Österlen, Sweden.
Telefon: 0734-33 17 10. E-post: egg(at)marialancing(dot)se
Galleri Maria Lancing. All rights reserved.